Adobe Lightroom is an amazing tool to speed up your workflow and help you import, organize, edit and export photos efficiently. In Lightroom you can perform many quick non-destructive edits from one window, and add the same list of edits to a whole group with one click! When you seamlessly export a entire folder of images from Lightroom you can resize, add a watermark, custom file name, and copyright metadata all with one function. It will save you hours every time you process a shoot.  Photoshop is important for fine-tuning your very best images, but Lightroom allows for a fast editing, exporting, and organizing experience for the bulk quantity of your work.


1. View the following tutorials:

Importing and Exporting:

Basic Editing:

Lightroom Brushes:

Syncing Edits:

2. PROCESS PHOTOS IN LIGHTROOM: Process 10 images in Lightroom and submit them in I-Learn.
DETAILS: Download this folder of images taken at Bannack by Brother Pingel. On the first five photos you will sync your edits and use the exposure slider,  saturation slider, vignette slider and curves slider to alter your photos to your personal taste. With the batch export feature, use the Custom Name-Sequence feature to name the first 5 images with this code and your name: A5BatchJakeSpencer-1.jpg.

With the 5 remaining images, edit as desired. Be sure that each image has one of the following main edits, 1 per image:

• Adjustment Brush
• Gradient Tool
• Spot Healing Tool
• Straighten/Crop Tool
• Sharpening Tool

Export the images individually, named with the main edit made on the photo (example: A5AdjustmentLayerJakeSpencer.jpg).

SUBMISSION:  Upload all 10 images here in I-Learn. Then rejoice, because you just saved a whole lot of time by using Lightroom!