
Image Size for the Full Photo Cover:

The dimensions for the classic hardcover photo finish is 3399 x 2649 pixels or 11.33 x 8.83 inches at 300 ppiDo one of these for the front and one for the back. You will add the Spine text once you have uploaded your pages in

Other Photobook Ideas

James shows this photobook when he meets with potential clients so they can see his photography.

This is a book of favorite photos from two years and added some quotes too. Choosing the quotes and getting the font size variation took longer than the photo layouts!  Anyway, it is a simple, quick, but consistent layout that may give you some ideas for your book.

Here is photobook I made for my daughter’s wedding guestbook. I left plenty of places for guests of the various wedding events to sign and leave messages for the couple. This book is 50 pages long. I used the engagement photos I took when I visited them in Washington D.C. They met in D.C while Scott was attending Georgetown and Rachel was doing an internship there.
Chris made this photobook in the original Photobooks Practicum Class we used to teach, so the requirements were totally different then. Anyway, it may give you some ideas, because he has a superb way of displaying his unique style, and I love the way he describes his process and inspiration for his photography.

Photobook Tip: Formatting Type in Photoshop:

How to avoid pixelated text in Photoshop:
1. Be sure the Anti-Aliasing in the Character palette is set to Sharp
2. When saving as a jpeg, choose Baseline Optimized to maintain text.

How to add body copy in Photoshop:
METHOD 1:  (okay for titles, but not good for body copy)  When you draw a text box and start typing, there is a lot of extra space in the text box around your words.
METHOD 2:  (better, but still not good)  When you just click the type tool and start typing, you have to hit a return when you need one. Then if you need to change the text box width you have to delete your hard returns and insert new ones. With this method you cannot choose all the paragraph alignment options.

METHOD 3:  Yes! – This one makes your life much easier.

1. Draw a text box the width you will need, but longer than you may need.
2. Type in your text.
3. Select the Type tool and click inside the text box. Then hover on a handle until the cursor changes to a double arrow. (TIP: Hit Option (Alt on PC) to get the double arrows to show up.) Drag the text box to fit the text or to change the width and/or height of the text box. The text will flow to fit the new text box size.
4. Open the paragraph palette and choose the “Justified Last Left” option.
5. (This will not be an available option with Method 2 above.)