Reflector Techniques

You have five different lighting options with a 5-in-1 reflector: 
1. Silver – Produces bright, specular highlights and high contrast results
2. Gold  – Produces warm, golden fill; great for sunsets and indoor portraits
3. Black – Blocks unwanted light and provides shade
4. Diffusion – Softens harsh light and eliminates hard shadows in bright light
5. White – Produces even, neutral-colored bounce light for fill

Advanced Techniques

6. KEY & FILL LIGHT: It is very effective to use two reflectors together, on opposite sides to bounce the light. Or you can use one diffuser and a reflector on the other side. Or you can use a speedlight or continuous light on one side as your main (key) light and use a reflector as a fill light on the opposite side. 

7. BENDING – If you use the silver side, you may get too much harsh light. But you can try bending the sides of the reflector in. This will soften the harsh light. 

8. FEATHERING – Turn the reflector away (left or right) to feather the light, almost past the subject so just the feathered-edge light catches the subject. The feathered edge is much softer and can add just the right touch. 


1. Work with a small group to capture three of the eight different reflector techniques listed above. With at least one example, show the same subject in the same framing with and without the use of a reflector. Be sure this example shows a very noticeable difference between the image with and without the reflector. You will post four images total. 
2. Be sure to position yourself so your assistant can capture and reflect available light to your subject. It is generally most appealing to reflect light from the side, so you create a triangle between your camera, your subject and your reflector. 


1. Create a new blog post and insert all four images. 
2. Write about the process to explain which of the 5-in-1 sides you used and any special techniques you tried. 
3. Be sure to label which images are with or without the reflector. 
4. Submit the link to your Lighting with Reflectors blog post.